A digital guide to our church planting journey from start to launch day and beyond.
When we planted, it felt like we had to start from scratch and custom-build every doc, form, and team training resource from zero. To help you start ahead of the curve and anticipate admin headaches, our team has created this page featuring every church planting resource VC has developed. From our first sermon series to admin forms to job descriptions to team training outlines, it's all available to download for free.
The content below is divided into eight progressive units, each with group exercises to facilitate team discussion and strategic planning. If you are starting a church planting journey, we encourage you to begin with Unit 1.
Each image below represents a digital file you must “click” to download.
Founding Documents
VC Branding Kit
There are many great graphic designers willing to help church startups create branding kits. If you need help with this, ask your friends for recommendations.
San Marcos Demographics Study
If you, or the members of your launch team, are moving into a new area or city to plant a church, then you should study its demographics in detail to better understand its industry, culture, and defining characteristics. A source to help you with this is
Church Constitution & Bylaws
If you intend to register your church as an official 501(c)(3), which we recommend, then you will have to draft your own founding documents. To download a Word doc of ours, click here.
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
Potential Outline of a Strategic Launch Plan
As you work to create your own Strategic Launch Plan, here is an outline to help you get started.
VC Strategic Launch Plan
This is the Strategic Launch Plan VC developed and used in preparation of launching in the Spring of 2019.
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
As you consider when to launch, remember this: There is no such thing as the "perfect" launch date. When considering the date of your launch, don't get stuck comparing yourself with outside church launches and unwisely attempt to replicate the exact model of others. Lean into your unique context, borrow best practices, and do your best to be strategic and spirit-led.
Though there are dates/seasons throughout the year that may be more beneficial to utilize, it is better to identify a series of benchmarks and then launch when those benchmarks are attained.
Adding New Launch Team Members from Other Churches
As you work to build a launch team, there may be opportunities to draft a few family units from other larger churches. This should always be done ethically and through open communication with their sending pastor.
To view a “Transition Form” we used to help facilitate the transition of a couple from another church, click here.
Launch Team Discussion Guides
Launch Team Feedback Sheet (a survey we gave to our Launch team to facilitate discussion during the pre-launch stage)
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
As you anticipate your launch day, think strategically about each of the items in this checklist. Discuss them with your team. Write down a “Vision Map” together with your team that outlines what you hope to accomplish. Pray over this checklist. Expect God to show up and bless your efforts!
Links to Resources to Utilize in Launch Team Development
Planting with Strategy - A handout we created for our launch team members to help communicate our philosophy about the launch process.
The VC Launch Team “Getting Started” Handbook - A short booklet we printed for all new launch team members.
The Dream Team 101 - A 4-part video series developed to onboard new launch team members. In the early days, we called our launch team “the dream team.”
Launch Strong ebook - A free digital resource from an organization called Exponential that was helpful to us in cultivating vision about church planting.
Books we recommend for launch team development
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
As a member of a church planting team, you must be fully invested in reaching new people in your city. You must cultivate a vision, a strategy, and a plan to win others to God.
Links to Sermons/Lessons on Personal Evangelism
A Vision for the Harvest Sermon Notes - A sermon preached to kick-off a monthly theme of “Others” in October 2020 focused on reaching our city.
How to Teach a Bible Study - A video series we filmed to help cultivate Bible study teachers in our church.
Keys to Dynamic Christian Living - A video series we filmed to explain our Apostolic heritage in Acts and our hope to follow that pattern.
Books we recommend for evangelism/disciple-making training
Our Pre-Launch Promo Video
One of our pre-launch interest meetings
Early VC Small Groups Before Launch
After a year of interest meetings, Bible studies, small groups, and monthly worship services Victory Chapel launched on April 21, 2019 at the San Marcos Rec Hall in the heart of San Marcos.
After a 5,000-piece Egg Hunt Celebration in the park, we gathered in the Rec Hall to worship, pray, and cast vision for the future.
VC Launch Day Docs
VC Launch Booklet PDF (a booklet we printed to give to everyone in attendance)
VC Launch Day: April 21, 2019
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
Turning Your Launch Plan into a 3-5 Year Strategic Growth Plan
Planning, vision-casting, and goal-setting do not end on Launch Day. Download this discussion guide and learn how to develop a future growth plan for your church after launch.
VC Strategic Growth Plan
This is one of the many Strategic Growth plans VC used to help guide and navigate its future.
Sunday evening church in the first facility we rented after launch
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
Prayer is the lifeblood of spiritual leadership, and you will not grow a powerful church without it. As a team, strive to cultivate a culture of prayer and emphasize your personal devotion over achieving public results.
Early Lessons Taught on Prayer
Prayers that Produce a Harvest teacher outline
Prayers that Produce a Harvest student handout
Prayers that Produce a Harvest media slides (zip)
Cultivating a Life of Prayer (sermon notes)
The Unseen Heroes of the Church (sermon notes)
8 Points on the Power of Prayer (lesson notes)
Our Motto: Victory Begins Here
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
Strategic Planning Reference Guides
An outline of two strategic planning reference guides: SECURE Your Strategy and SMART goals.
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
In church planting, success and vision fulfillment hinges primarily on the people involved. People can make church planting an exciting and wonderful process, but they can also make it a very heavy and laborious ordeal. If you are involved on a church planting team in any capacity, you must be willing to improve your people skills.
Resources to help cultivate emotional/relational intelligence & self-awareness
Team Discussion Guide
Download and use to spark discussion with your launch team.
No matter what results you do or don’t have, you must determine to stay healthy on a personal level. You must keep a close eye on how you are doing personally, spiritually, and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to step away every once in a while and recharge. Cultivate health and well-being in your marriage and family. Prioritize your role as a parent over your role as a church leader. As you reach for short-term goals, keep long-term targets in mind.
Next Level Leadership - An online video course we filmed to teach our team principles of leadership longevity.
Resources we recommend on personal health & well-being
3 Things we would do differently
Remodel of our first facility lease downtown
Our 2-Year Anniversary Video
VC Financial Report (presented to church members at a business meeting)
Kids Ministry
Recovery Ministry
Life Recovery Groups (what we use for Monday night recovery groups)
The Life Recovery Journal (the book we use to guide meetings)
The 12 steps of Life Recovery (includes our meeting guidelines)
Small Groups
VC Small Group Leader Guide (given to small group leaders pre-launch)