This lab is designed for new leaders and provides a starting point for those that want to get involved and make a difference at Victory Chapel.

On the Dream Team, we hope you begin to discover the call of God, spiritual gifts, and the place of service that God has designed uniquely for you.

Session 1

In this first session, Pastor Paul shares how to get the most of the Victory Labs, a few quick facts about San Marcos, and then presents our mission statement and core beliefs. *10 mins

Session 2

In session two, we establish that success in ministry demands the ability to hear and heed the call of God. Highlighting the call of Abraham, we gain insights for the journey into local church leadership. *21 mins

Session 3

In session three, Pastor Paul introduces the Spiritual Gifts and shares practical ways to discover a place of ministry that fits a person the best. *23 mins

Session 4

In session four, Pastor Paul talks about how to get the most out of Victory Chapel and concludes by presenting the Dream Team Covenant. *13.5 mins