In this learning lab, we highlight a series of characteristics that distinguish the early church in the Book of Acts. Our goal will be to analyze the faith, lifestyle, and doctrine of the apostles and answer the question, “What does it mean to be an apostolic church in a twenty-first-century world?”
Session 1
In this first session, we survey the expansive growth of the early church in the Book of Acts and highlight the influence of Christians in Antioch (Acts 11). *27 mins
Session 2
As we continue discussing the question, “What does it mean to live an apostolic life?” we look to what Jesus and the apostles taught about salvation. *18 mins
Session 3
In session three, we see that the story of the early church is a story of common people connected to an uncommon God. We also discuss the redemptive power of the name of Jesus. *15 mins
Session 4
In session four, we survey seven core qualities of the early church and learn how the apostles changed the world. *14 mins